Ordered lists with HTML type

I need to create ordered lists of different types showcasing a layout, starting with Roman numerals, alphabetic numbers, etc. Declaring the type in HTML only renders all ordered lists with 1,2,3.
For example

 <ol type="I">
  <ol type="a">

That should render Roman numerals and then small alphabetical letters.

Any advice on how I should go about this? And how will I get my student to do an ORA creating such a layout?

Hi @Roline

Is this what you want?

  1. Coffee
  1. Java
  2. Mocca
  3. Tea
  4. Milk
<ol type="I">
<ol type="a">
  <li >Mocca</li>

For submission type problems like this I like to use Staff Graded Assignments (SGA) XBlock.


Or do you want nested lists?

  1. Coffee
    1. Java
    2. Mocca
    3. Tea
    4. Milk
<ol type="I">
<ol type="a">
  <li >Mocca</li>

Thank you Dean for responding. I need the ordered list numbered with roman numerals or letters, nested and normal. Both I can do, but it only gives it numbered with numbers. It is the HTML type that I am not getting to work in either HTML text or a problem.
Here are 2 images of what I enter in HTML and the how it renders.

Solved it!
They want the type to be declared in the list item!

  <li type="I">Coffee</li>
  <li  type="a">Java</li>
  <li  type="a">Mocca</li>
  <li  type="a">Tea</li>
  <li  type="a">Milk</li> 

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