Query regarding backup and restore

Hi everyone,

I have a few questions regarding backing up and restoring data in Open edX using Tutor. Could you please provide me answer for the below queries

Stopping Tutor for Backup: Is it necessary to stop Tutor using tutor local stop before performing a backup? If we stop and then restart Tutor in a production environment, will this result in any data loss?

Backup and Restore Process: The documentation mentions using sudo rsync -avr “$(tutor config printroot)/” for backups. Will this command restore all necessary data, or are there additional steps required to fully restore the Tutor data?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Yes, its required to stop your instance to ensure that no files are in use or locked which can otherwise cause an incomplete backup.
The rsync command you have there is only half of the command though, its missing a destination which should appear after, eg:
rsync -avr "$(tutor config printroot)/" "/path/to/backup_destination/"
If you were to restore a backup you’d swap the source/destination, eg:
rsync -avr "/path/to/backup/" "$(tutor config printroot)/"

A stop/start of the service should not result in data loss, it’ll just be temporarily inaccessible to users whilst it is stopped.

Hi @joel.edwards ,

Thanks for the response!

Whether i need to follow any other additional step inorder to backup and restore data?

Amruth G

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