Thank you for your reply,
Actually I did all these steps. In my library, i chose to create boxes of many questions instead of a question per box to avoid having the submit button for each question. Now in my library i have three sets of 10 questions. In my course unit, i chose to display only 1 set of 10 questions. It’s good because the randomisation works here giving different sets of questions to each student. But for the same student, they always have the same set of 10 questions even when they reset. The question is : can I also randomise the 10 questions inside each set.
You need to:
- create a question library with all the questions
- add the “library_content” module in the advanced modules box in the advanced settings in the course.
- add the library content module in your exam unit and edit it’s settings to populate a number of random questions from the question library
Hi @Asma!
In addition to @MMarei’s response, I would like to share the following documentation about Randomized Content Blocks: What are Randomized Content Blocks? — Public documentation?
Randomized content blocks could be used to present learners with different questions, text blocks, images, or other content elements each time they access a specific unit or module within a course. I believe this feature is a suitable solution to your concern.
I hope you find this information helpful!
Thank you for your help. What I wanted to know is if we can randomize the questions for the same student every time they reset their problem. (Considering they have many attempts allowed). Because what you have shared, I’ve already done it. As a result it randomizes questions in a way to give different sets of questions to every student but the same student, if trying again, gets te same set of questions.