Read Me! Community Pull Request Process Updates / Improvements

To ensure we’re getting our community contributions seen and reviewed as efficiently as possible, the Maintenance Working Group, along with our fellow community members, has been working on some updates to the OSPR (open-source pull request) process to help better guide both contributors and maintainers through the pull request process.

These updates include involving the Product team earlier in the process, making documentation more accessible for everyone, and streamlining the OSPR triage process to help avoid delays in getting reviews done. Most of these updates are already live and being piloted, and we’re aiming to have any remaining items complete by April 23. Take a look at what’s new ↓

Check to see if your contribution needs Product review before you submit. The Product team is here to help!

Some contributions have a product component which needs to be reviewed by our Product team. In order to make sure these contributions get addressed, the Product team has created a new process to review product contributions before they are added to the Community Contributions board for Engineering review.

  • Before submitting your pull request, check this list to see if your contribution matches any of those conditions.
  • If it does, you’ll need to submit your contribution to Product first. They’ve put all the information you need for submitting here, and they’ll work with you to make sure everything looks good before it goes off for technical review.
  • If your contribution doesn’t need product review, Ok to open the pull request as you normally would.

Getting OSPRs to the finish line faster.

  • When opening a new pull request, you’ll soon see a new and improved welcome message that highlights and provides quick access to important information, allowing for better guidance upfront.

  • We’re in the process of securing more maintainers for our repositories, and have empowered our Core Contributors to aid in getting reviews done faster.

We hope these updates will help improve the overall experience, and we’ll continue to make updates as needed. Feedback is always welcome! We’d love to hear from community members if you have questions or suggestions.


Hi @Michelle_Philbrick , thank you for working with the maintenance WG to improve our OSPR processes, and my apologies for this late reply.

That list is awfully broad… specifically these two items:

  • Is this change related to Studio or Content Libraries?
  • Is this change related to the LMS?

I understand when there’s a user-facing change to Studio or the LMS, but virtually every change to edx-platform will be related to Studio or the LMS.

Could these points be clarified or even removed? e.g. I thought the earlier points “Does this change or impact a feature that a learner would interact with?” and “Does this change or impact part of the authoring flow?” would be sufficient to cover these two product points.

Hi @jill! This is a question for Product. Tagging @jmakowski and @sarina here to see if they can help clarify.

Let’s have a conversation on the wiki page, I think we’ll be able to reach a broader section of the PWG this way. I didn’t write this language and I’m not sure where it came from.

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