(Rough) estimate for how many hours it takes to build a learning environment with Open edX?

Hi. A client of mine would like to have an “online learning platform” built for a certain nonprofit organization, that will “house a customized channel with multiple courses”, and have “forums with discussion prompts, quizzes, videos, readings, and powerpoint decks”. So this client has asked me (a contractor fairly experienced with website development) to estimate how many hours it would take to build such a platform using Open edX. I’ve never worked with Open edX though (which makes it difficult to gauge how long it would take me to develop this using Open edX), and I also have no further details at this time regarding what’s desired by the client, aside from the (admittedly vague) description given above. So I would understand completely if the best guess anyone could provide for me would be a very wide range (like “between X and Y hours”, where “X” and “Y” are rather far apart), or if it’s utterly impossible to give any sort of estimate based on such limited information, then please feel free to respond in this way, as well… :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @CarynG .

Deploy an OpenEDX instance, takes about 2h only, you just run the script and the job is done. :sunglasses:

Configure the instance according to the needs of the client, could takes about 10 or may be 16 hours (depending of the specificatitons).

Creating a course using Studio is another part, and you can not know in advance how many times it could take, because it depends of the course contents.


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Perfect- thanks so much! :smiley:

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