Script to create complete Open edX courses from a template in an Excel file

Hi everyone, during the openedx conference in Lisbon I commented that we have an open-source script in Python that generates tar.gz files for edx courses from an Excel template. I have translated the template into English and we have adapted the script and updated the git with a docker version and some videos explaining how to use it (dubbed with an automated voice from the Spanish version). Just in case it can be useful for someone I am sharing the git page

It goes a step beyond the Open edX Course Template Builder created by HarvardX and commented on another post from 2019, as it lets you create complete courses.

And just in case you want to dub your videos using transcripts (after adding punctuation symbols to them) I am sharing the git of a project to dub videos using the AWS tts service (our videos are dubbed using a tts from an internal research project, so the voices will not be as natural, but it makes the job):

Best regards