Set default advanced modules list in Open edX tutor Palm

Hi @stah :smile:

Unfortunately the article you found is out of date. These instructions should work:

  1. Create a small Tutor plugin to append your XBlocks to the settings.ADVANCED_PROBLEM_TYPES list (see Setting default advanced_modules (xblocks)) .
    Example plugin: GitHub - pomegranited/tutor-contrib-enable-feature-flag: Demonstrates how to add a feature flag to Tutor
  2. Add your XBlocks as “extra requirements” to the platform.
    The official Tutor docs recommend doing this using private.txt, but since you have to write a plugin to enable these XBlocks anyway, you can add them to your plugin’s patches/openedx-dockerfile-post-python-requirements file to keep everything together.
  3. Install your new plugin to your Tutor virtualenv, and enable it.
  4. Rebuild the openedx image by running tutor images build openedx (ref).