🌟 Share Your Open edX Conference Experience & Help Us Promote the 2024 Conference! 🌟

Hey everyone! :rocket:


As we gear up for the upcoming Open edX Conference 2024, we’re looking to showcase the vibrant and diverse experiences that make our community truly special.

We believe that the best way to highlight the impact of our conferences is through the voices of our community members. That’s why we’re calling on YOU to share your personal stories, learnings, and memorable moments from past Open edX conferences.

What we’re looking for:

  • Short Promo Videos: A quick video sharing a memorable experience, a new learning, or how the conference has impacted your project or career. Don’t worry about making it perfect; it’s your story that counts!
  • Written Testimonials: Prefer writing? We’d love to read about your insights, favorite moments, and how attending the Open edX conference has enriched your open source journey.

How to Share: Submit your videos or written stories via our easy-to-use platform here: Testimonial (copy)

It only takes a few minutes, but your story can inspire countless others!

Why Your Story Matters: Your experiences serve as a powerful tool to bring our community closer, showcasing the real-world impact of Open edX and encouraging others to join us in our next big gathering. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to get involved and make your mark on the Open edX legacy.

Let’s come together to highlight the incredible breadth of experiences and learnings that our conferences have fostered. Whether it’s networking, learning, or contributing to open source education, your stories will help illuminate the path for new and returning attendees alike.

Looking forward to your stories and seeing you at the next conference!
