Sizing resource for OpenEDX about 1000 users

Hi all
Anyone can help me on this case. I have read many docs but can’t find the answer. I need to setup an Open edX platform for 1000 users, hmm about 200 CCU, I intend to use Eks on AWS
or self-service by host some server, anyone can help me calculate how many resource I need to use (CPU, RAM, Storage) for these users in 1 year.

Based on my experience, every 1 CPU can serve about 30 users, for every 1 CPU I need approximately 3 to 4 GB of RAM.
Storage depends on your users, you can start with 100 GB and increase later. For 1000 users I would say 500GB should be enough.
If you use AWS, EKS, S3 everything will scale out as you go there is not much to worry about.

Thanks for your helping Vu Nguyen