Student Administration Dashboard / View

Good Afternoon and Happy New Year Open EDX admins.

My EDX background:
I am an Open EDX novice. I have been learning the platform last couple of months in 2019 and have stood up Open EDX locally, with Bitnami images, and using the Tutor bootstrapping system to run Open EDX. We currently have our production instance running in Google Cloud. I am familiar with many of the core components of Open EDX but still new to all the features and possible configurations available.

My Question:
Does an administration dashboard / view exist that can be easily installed for use with Open EDX that enables admins to quickly see all regiestered students in the platform, the courses they are enrolled in, and their progress / grades?

I am running a platform that has permit and certification training. When commercial partners use our service, I need to be able to provide them an easy view that lets them see their employees in our platform and their progress on the trainings.

I couldn’t find anything via Google or searching the Open EDX forums. I have seen a few topics related to views for professors looking at their courses, but I really need a solution that spans all courses.

I have the mysql database running in AWS so if there is nothing off the shelf that can be used I can probably upload a react app that uses the data in the MYSQL database. However I haven’t explored the details of what Open EDX stores in MySQL to determine if it would be easy to source all the inforamtion we need from the database.

Appreciate any information or leads anyone can provide.

@sbrewer, You got any solution for this? if yes, please help me out perticularly to see list of courses enrolled by a student/learner!