Team Assignments in Juniper

Hello Everyone.

Has anyone had experience with the team assignment feature that was mentioned in the Juniper release notes ( ?

I’ve been trying to explore and test it , but haven’t found any documentation or tips on how to turn it on, neither on the ORA nor on the TEAMS side of things.

Any hint would be much appreciated.

That’s funny, I was looking at the teams code in edx-ora2 earlier today; unless I’m mistaken, team submissions are enabled via the openresponseassessment.team_submissions course waffle flag, waffle switch, or the FEATURES["ENABLE_ORA_TEAM_SUBMISSIONS"] setting.

However I have no idea what the feature actually does :sweat_smile: Maybe @morenol can help?

Thank you @regis. your comment pointed me in the right direction.

when I activated the waffle switch openresponseassessment.team_submissions
the studio view of the ora component now includes this setting:

then the learner will go to the ORA component and as long as they belong to a team in the right topic, they will get:

If they belong to a team in a different topic, they will get:

I’ll keep researching this and post any relevant findings.