The Open edX Tech Radar is live!

Hi all,

I’ve excited to share that we’ve finished our initial version of the Open edX Tech Radar!

What is a Tech Radar?

It’s a visualization of the technologies used in the Open edX Platform, organized into “quadrants” and “rings”, where the quadrants tell us what type of technology it is, and the rings tell us its level of adoption within the platform. The technologies themselves - extending the radar metaphor - are called “blips”.

You can click into any quadrant to see a list of the blips, or click on a blip to read a description of what it is, where we use it (or don’t!) and why.

What about technology <X>?! Can I suggest a change?

This is our “primary” radar, and represents technologies we think it’s important for new developers to know about. We also intend to have a “secondary” radar with more detail. There are sure to be some omissions and things we’d like to shuffle around.

This was a community effort over the past few months. Our original Tech Radar Workshop was on June 9, and we intend to work together to keep the radar up to date and accurate. With that in mind, we’ve moved the data into a repository here:

We can now use version control and PRs to collaboratively update the Radar, which the repository will automatically deploy from the main branch. So if you see something you’d like to change, open a pull request!

Shout Outs

Thank you to everyone who helped out brainstorming technologies and writing/reviewing descriptions! Extra special thanks to both @nimisha and @sarina for their vision, perseverance and drive to help get this over the line. We absolutely wouldn’t be here without their efforts.

Thanks again everybody,
