Time to say goodbye

Following a strategic repositioning we had to make the difficult decision to close our Open edX instance in the coming months. Consequently, we will no longer be engaged in the Open edX community. Our courses will be transferred to edx.org while some others will be hosted on our own LMS.

I would like to personally thank everyone I have interacted with in the Open edX community since I joined the EDUlib initiative and started working with Open edX in September 2014. I have met a lot of you through various video meetings, in person through multiple Open edX conferences, or electronically on Google Groups, Slack and Discuss. Your help, your expertise, your friendship and your collaboration were a huge part of the day-to-day enjoyment of my work on the EDUlib initiative and with the Open edX platform. It was a pleasure and privilege to work with all of you.

As a result of the decision to close our Open edX instance, I will no longer be able to assume my role as an Open edX Core Contributor with immediate effect.


That’s sad news, @sambapete ! Sorry to hear that.

Thanks for all your invaluable contributions to the community over the years!

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@sambapete This is indeed sad to see you go! Thank you again for all your contributions to the project, which have made it better! :+1: :pray:

And let’s hope that in the future, you will get another project or occasion to come back to the Open edX community! :slight_smile:


I’m very sorry to hear that, @sambapete :confused: I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside you both in person and as a member of this Community, and all I can say is that your presence will be missed! Thank you warmly for your countless contributions to the Open edX Community, for your insights and for your precious help. I wish you the very best in whatever projects await you, and I’m hoping we’ll cross paths again in the future. Cheers!


Pierre, you will be greatly missed, both in BTR calls and in the whole community. By the time I joined the Build-Test-Release group, you were already a veteran Open edX deployer and tester. Your testing contributions and your feedback have been invaluable parts of the community release process; the release would not be what it is today without what you brought to the team.

Thank you for your contributions and your camaraderie. All the best!


Pierre, it’s very sad to see you leave, but our private agreement still holds, right? What happened at the conferences stays at the conferences. NO EXCEPTION.


Un grand merci pour tes très nombreuses contributions au projet. Tu es peut-être la seule personne dont je recevais des rapports de bug avec plaisir, parce que je savais que c’était des problèmes importants, mais bien documentés, et qu’on finirait par trouver des solutions qui au final profiteraient à tout le monde. Tu as énormément contribué à améliorer Open edX en général et Tutor en particulier. On te doit beaucoup. Tu es le bienvenu à Paris ! Je t’invite à dîner.


@sambapete I will miss you dearly! There’s no way to put a price tag on the value of your knowledge of Open edX and its evolution over the last decade. Thank you for all you have given us, and I hope our paths cross again someday soon.

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@sambapete we just had our first build-test-release meeting since your announcement, and you were sorely missed. It’s hard to imagine how we will go on without you, but I find some reassurance knowing that your effort and contributions are embodied everywhere around us – in the GitHub issues, the code, the wiki, and – most importantly – the community.

Good luck to you and EduLib wherever you go next!



@sambapete your posts, be it on isights, ecomm, migration to tutor or anything have always helped me in issues that I was facing and I always learned something from your posts.
Just wanted to say thanks for all the help.
Good luck.

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@sambapete You will be missed for sure! I appreciate your feedback whenever I had a question on Slack, and I always stumbled upon some of your discussion posts which help me troubleshoot issues with the platform. Glad that we got to meetup a couple times at the Open edX conferences over the years. I wish you the best of luck for your future projects.

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Thanks everyone for your kind words be it on Discourse or on Slack. Those few words are greatly appreciated especially after all these years of interacting with you on a professional and on a personal level.

Being in the process of soon shutting down our Open edX instance and migrating some of our courses on edx.org isn’t easy. There are tons of activities going from warning our partners, our course instructors and our students. And I still find bugs in the Open edX source that we didn’t catch before while doing it :man_facepalming: i18n will be the death of me…

Today, April 30th 2024, is the last day of operations for https://cours.edulib.org. We will be closing and terminating our Open edX instance tomorrow on May 1st 2024.

EDUlib had a good run from its early days in late 2014 on master, to its official launch on Aspen in early 2015, and to its last days on Nutmeg in 2024. We were ready to migrate to Olive, Palm and Quince in January 2024 but things have changed over the last few months and we had to migrate our courses elsewhere.

The URL https://cours.edulib.org will soon be pointing to our course catalogue https://catalogue.edulib.org who will then redirect users to courses migrated either on https://www.edx.org or on https://studiumfc.umontreal.ca (one of our Moodle instances) from May 1st 2024 and going forward.

Good luck for Redwood and beyond. Even if I still keep an eye here and on Slack, it felt weird not be closely involved in the community since late January.

I hope we will meet again.