To obtain the translation from Transifex, we execute the command tx pull -l ar
in the edx-platform shell. This command was functional until a month ago, but presently it is generating an error message when an attempt is made to retrieve translations. The error message reads as follows:
tx ERROR: Resource edx-platform.djangojs-studio doesn't exist on the server.
tx ERROR: Resource edx-platform.mako doesn't exist on the server.
tx ERROR: Resource edx-platform.mako-studio doesn't exist on the server.
tx ERROR: Resource doesn't exist on the server.
tx ERROR: Resource edx-platform.edx_proctoring_proctortrack doesn't exist on the server.
tx ERROR: Resource edx-platform.djangojs-partial doesn't exist on the server.
tx ERROR: Resource edx-platform.djangojs-studio doesn't exist on the server.
tx ERROR: Resource edx-platform.djangojs-account-settings-view doesn't exist on the server.
tx ERROR: Resource edx-platform.underscore doesn't exist on the server.
tx ERROR: Resource edx-platform.underscore-studio doesn't exist on the server.
Reference: Internationalization and localization · openedx/edx-platform Wiki · GitHub