We are trying to get Learner Analytics up and running, but we are experimenting some problems.
I believe there is something with ElasticSearch, because there is data in mysql module_engagement tables (and in hive too) but analytics data API cannot find the proper indexes in ElasticSearch. Calling curl -XGET ‘http://localhost:9200/roster/’ returns {“error”:“IndexMissingException[[roster] missing]”,“status”:404} (see screenshot below). Subtask ModuleEngagementRosterIndexTask didn’t run because was not granted run permission by the scheduler (see another screenshot) and I believe this subtask is responsible of creating the indexes
I’ve checked alias in override.cfg and analytics.yml, elasticsearch port, etc… but I believe they are correct (please see the files attached)
There is one more thing: in LMS we have ES version 1.7.3 while in Insight we have 1.5.2 (I’ve attached 2 screenshots of config). I don’t know if this can affect
Thanks very much for any help, anything to check, etc… Any help is appreciated
Another prerequisite before running the module engagement workflow below is to have run enrollment first. It is assumed that the course_enrollment directory under warehouse_path has been populated by running enrollment with a TO_DATE matching that used for the module engagement workflow (i.e. today).
I’m afraid not… It is not the same error I have posted. You can try to post an issue regarding this problem and maybe someone has got the same problem.