User managment Dashboard, Listing Users, Removing Users

I have set up Open edX using the Tutor method. I created several super users and staff members for testing purposes, but I’ve forgotten how many there are. Can you tell me:

  1. How can I view a list of all super users, staff members, and students?
  2. How can I delete a super user account?
  3. How can a super user remove a staff member?

Lastly, does a super user dashboard exist to manage and monitor all staff members and students in one place?

Hi @Achi

A list of all superusers, staff, and students is available in the admin panel. You can access your admin panel at https://YOUR_DOMAIN/admin.

You must sign in using your superuser account to access the admin panel.

You must go to “Users” after logging into the admin panel, as shown in the screenshot below. It will display all users who have registered for your LMS.

Also, you have a filter on the right-side for staff and superusers.