First of all, I would like to thank Utku Ege Tuluk for giving me valuable time yesterday.
Yesterday’s image didn’t upload, so I’m re-uploading the questions.
Roughly the answer I got was that it had something to do with tutor_mfe .
Then, can you tell me the document or video information I can see in order to process the following?
I got a link to it, but I don’t know where and how to do it.
Server environment: installed with window + vmWare + tutor local quickstart.
Development tools: vsCode + Docker + Remote Development.
Anyone is welcome, so I would be very grateful if you could give me a hint or how to deal with it.
As I am a beginner, my understanding is poor, so I think it would be very helpful if you could provide video data.
This is what I was going to post yesterday.
Thanks for your kind reply.
I live in Korea and am a beginner who doesn’t know much about open Edx.
And I don’t have much experience with Python and Django, so I’m learning and analyzing.
I’m not sure if I asked the question correctly, so I’ll put it back together.
- After modifying Dashboard Html, when viewed in the browser, it is displayed as follows.
.File location:openedx/edx-platform/lms/templates/dashboard.html
.Modifications: If you change the page title below
It comes out like this:
2.However, if you edit the accout Settings and view it in the browser, it does not appear.
The path was checked from:
.I tried changing the name in the html in the following path.
.I modified the following part like this:
.Screen before modification
.Screen after modification ⇒ No change.
I wonder why number 1 works and number 2 doesn’t.
Then I wonder where and how to fix it.
If your answer is about this, I’m not sure, is there a way for a beginner to follow one after another?
.I am asking this question in a hurry.
i solve this,
Analyze Open Edx,
In the future, I hope that you will pave the way for me to contribute here.
Please help.
Thank you again.