2U Core Contributor Rollout

Hello Everyone,

Tl;dr Starting in March all access changes to Open edX repos for everyone will go through the Core Contributor (CC) Program.

For most community members, rights have always been granted through the CC Program but 2U which historically stewarded the Open edX platform had their rights granted through a different process. This complexity led to various mismatches in expectations, confusion and increased complexity of administering access. The complexity only increased as we started adding maintainers who now had less visibility and understanding of who had access to the repos they were maintaining.

So the plan moving forward is to have historic access reviewed and converted to equivalent CC access based on need.

Relevant dates and timing:

  • Jan 8 - Jan 24 : 2U is reviewing a proposal for reduced access based on their usage and needs along with repos that they have already signed up to maintain. Axim and 2U will collaborate to come up with a finalized list by Jan 24.
  • Jan 24 - Feb 1 : Axim will prepare to roll out the mechanics of the change (Updating Github, CC Wiki Pages, etc.)
  • February : Once the changes have been rolled out, we will have a grace period of 1 month to allow for changes to access without going through the standard CC Rights expansion process. This is to allow for a smoother transition since it’s not always easy to tell what thing that you have always had access to should be documented.
  • March 1 and Onward : All future access changes to Open edX Repos for everyone will go through the CC Program. No new person starts with write access to the Open edX repos, though anyone can still have triage access to participate in tickets and project boards and can work off their own forks of all public repositories.

Kudos @feanil for organizing this effort - and to 2U for joining the core contributor program! :+1: It’s a really important step for the project maturity, and we will all benefit from it.

Looking forward to work with the new fellow core contributors :smiley: Even if you have been around in the project for a while, don’t hesitate to introduce yourselves when you get your new core contributor hat! (And you can also get the t-shirt :stuck_out_tongue: ). One of the potential good things that could come from this would be to work more together, as one community. :slight_smile:

Also, don’t hesitate if you see improvements or missing bits in the program! it will be quite important to make sure the core contributor program works well for you, too. And often when we start, we see things that others have become blind to over time.