A New Video Player for All: Comments Requested on React Player Specs

This is a particularly interesting point. If we were to pick something like video.js we might find we make a lot of contributions to it which would resolve a number of other issues it has, but theming is a persistent quandary. However I’m not sure picking a React-based solution will necessarily solve this either, since an outside React-based project isn’t going to conform to, say, Paragon’s design specification.

However the current effort around design tokens might resolve that-- though we might need to contribute code to whichever player we pick if we want it to pick up theming. Otherwise we might still need custom compiled SCSS for outside components like this one. Thoughts, @AdamStankiewicz @xitij2000 ?

On Vimeo support in particular-- I think that adding support directly should be out of scope for the initial implementation, since that’s a significant feature addition and this project is already going to introduce a number of critical variables, but it would be a nice thing to add later, and I think it’s fair to suggest whatever player we use should be extensible to consume new hosts with sufficient plugins.

Out of curiosity, what about videojs’s Vimeo support was lacking enough that you needed to create your own custom block? Maybe it would be easier to get some community momentum behind improving it if we don’t end up picking a block that supports it well out of the box.

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