Android app in Tutor K8s

Hi all,

I am trying to set up Android app in Tutor K8s, without success.

The android pod fails to start, with a “Back-off restarting failed container” error.

This is what I did:

  • Installed and activated the android plugin
  • Created a private repo en ECR to store the image
  • Configured ANDROID_DOCKER_IMAGE and ANDROID_APP_DOCKER_IMAGE pointing to my ECR repo
  • Built the image with tutor images build android
  • Pushed the image with tutor images push android
  • Recreated with tutor k8s start and tutor k8s init

Am I missing something?

Hi K8s team!
@braden, @lpm0073, @regis, @fghaas
Have you ever tried this?

Nope, sorry. :slight_smile: We don’t use the tutor-android plugin.

Do you have any more logs for us?

Nope, sorry. We only have built the android apps on local machines.

Hi all,
I finally made it work (although didn’t test the app itself yet).

What was confusing, is:

  • When I tried to build using ANDROID_APP_VERSION=master as per the instructions, the build failed with this error:
#14 155.0 * Where:
#14 155.0 Build file '/app/edx-app-android/OpenEdXMobile/build.gradle' line: 23
#14 155.0 
#14 155.0 * What went wrong:
#14 155.0 A problem occurred evaluating project ':OpenEdXMobile'.
#14 155.0 > Failed to apply plugin ''.
#14 155.0    > Android Gradle plugin requires Java 11 to run. You are currently using Java 1.8.

Looks like the master requires jvm 11 to run.
Anyway, building without specifying the version worked fine.

  • There are actually two images to build: one is the android itself which is built from the edx-app-android repo (or your fork, and needs to be rebuilt if you customize the code), and the other is android-app, built from the previous one, which has the custom settings. I believe that you don’t need to push both to the image repo, only the android-app is pulled by the distribution. You can just build locally the android image, then build and push android-app.

  • There was not build option in tutor images for android-app. I’ve created a PR for this.

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