Axim Funded Contribution to Deprecate and Remove XQueue and Migrate Code Grading Requests

Hello all! Axim Collaborative is pleased to announce a new funded contribution project to help advance the Open edX platform.

This project aims to simplify our infrastructure for remotely hosted code graders and reduce our overall maintenance burden. We are seeking proposals from existing community members as well as qualified organizations looking for a first project to join the community. All proposals from providers interested in undertaking this work must be submitted by 10/23/2024 and Axim expects to choose a provider by 10/31/2024.

A primary goal of this project is to adapt our code grading infrastructure so that the XQueue repository can be deprecated and removed. XQueue is a primitive queuing system developed in 2012 without significant further investment since that time.

However, the code grading capabilities of the platform are currently used by the community. So, we would like an approach that minimizes disruption to existing users and is ideally completely backward compatible. Details about configuration of the XQueue are available in the documentation.

This work represents a change to the approach initially described in this DEPR ticket. We do plan to deprecate and remove xqueue, but not xqueue-watcher.

Submitted proposals should include technical discovery and may offer any approach that meets the need, reduces complexity, and minimizes maintenance costs.

A possible approach would be to leverage the existing message bus implementation for the platform. This approach would update the client code in the edx-platform to push gradable code assignments onto the message bus, and update the client, xqueue-watcher, to read from the message bus rather than the xqueue.

The approach should allow someone who is using XQueue today to continue to do so, though that repository will be deprecated and removed from the project.


Towards the goal of reducing maintenance costs, there is an existing edx-submissions Python package, which the ORA2 XBlock uses as a backend to store user submissions. We will appreciate any proposals which either (a) use this package as a backend rather than building a new submissions backend from scratch, or (b) clarify why the edx-submissions backend would not be suitable for the XQueue replacement.

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Hi Ed, We’re currently working on putting a response together for the tender, and I was wondering if there’s any chance of an extension on the timeline.


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I’m happy to extend the deadline until Wednesday, October 23rd.


@e0d I was wondering if calls for founded contribution could be sent out via email to a representative of each company that is an Open EdX Core Contributor or Service Partner. It sounds strange and it could be my problem, but I or we missed this call and the deadline.

Sorry to hear that you missed this post. I think the best choice here is for folks to follow this topic in Discourse. Anyone can do that by navigating to the topic home and updating their notification preferences.

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I wanted to let everyone know that because we extended the submission deadline, we will also need to extend the review deadline. We also have a couple key folks out of the office this week, so I will target completing our reviews by Wednesday, November 6th.

Hey there,

very happy to see this initiative! We’re using xqueue in our local environment for some courses and found its architecture to be a bit limited especially in cases where different graders should be used for different tasks.

Wondering if there’s any work thats already been done so far? I’m happy to add some proposals from our side and potentially review architecture documents if that helps in any way

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Hi @Wasabi, We are starting the discovery phase of the project. If you are using this feature, your input will be more than welcome.

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Sounds good! Is there already some document or something where you’re collecting requirements and/or architecture considerations? Or would it be sufficient to post them here for now?

Feel free to post your use cases here. If needed we can arrange a video call to review the details later.