🚨 Call for Help: 🚀 Join the BTR Working Group for the Sumac Release and Beyond! 🚀

As we gear up for the upcoming Sumac release :herb:, we are actively looking to fill several key roles within the BTR Working Group. In line with our commitment to fresh perspectives and to prevent burnout, we aim to rotate these critical positions. This is your chance to contribute to the Open edX community by stepping into one of these important roles! Here’s a brief overview of the open positions:

  • :office_worker: Group Chair
    Currently held by @jalondonot
    The Group Chair coordinates the group’s efforts, ensuring we stay on track with release milestones and successfully maintain the current release.
  • :scissors: Release Manager
    Currently held by @Maksim_Sokolskiy
    Responsible for cutting a new release by following the steps in the official Open edX release process.
  • :test_tube: Release Testing Coordinator
    Currently held by @pdpinch
    Oversees the testing of release candidates before they’re published. Testing support will be provided by the Product Working Group, so you won’t be alone!
  • :page_facing_up: Release Documentation Expert
    Currently held by @feoh
    Compiles important release-related info and crafts the Release Notes to accompany the major release.
  • :wrench: Bug Triager(s)
    Currently held by @mgmdi
    Help prioritize and fix bugs. You’ll be working as part of the bug triaging team, so support is always available!
  • :shield: Security Patcher
    Currently held by @magajh
    Collaborates with the Security Working Group to address any security issues and ensure the release remains secure.
  • :arrows_counterclockwise: Product Liaison
    New position!
    The Product Liaison coordinates between the Product Working Group and BTR, ensuring clear communication around new features and their default configurations. This role also ensures that all new features in a release have tests written, in collaboration with product delivery teams, and may assist with improving regression tests. They will work closely with the Testing Coordinator to ensure core platform areas are fully covered.

:hourglass_flowing_sand: With Sumac just around the corner, we hope to fill these positions as soon as possible. Don’t worry—there will be a knowledge transfer process, and the current role holders will provide support during the transition to ensure everything runs smoothly.

:raised_hands: We need your help to make the Sumac release a success! If you have any questions about the roles or want to get involved, please reach out! Your contributions are crucial to the community, and we’re excited to have you on board!


Hi @jalondonot,
I can apply to the bug triager role.


Hello! Happy to volunteer for the Product Liaison role.


Hi @jalondonot, count me in for the bug triager role as well :slightly_smiling_face:


I’d like to be part of the bug triager team as well


Seeing the sudden, intense interest in the bug triager role, I can apply to the Release Testing Coordinator role.


I would love to help out here :slight_smile: I have never done it and might require some hand holding to be Release Manager :slight_smile:


@jalondonot cc @magajh
I would like to apply to the Security Patcher role


Hey @jalondonot,
I can also help with bug triager role in case you need someone else!


Would love to continue helping! I can also assist with the Bug Triager role in case any extra support is needed