I am excited to nominate Asma Ahmed for a Core Contributor role as a UX/UI Designer!
I have had the pleasure of working with Asma over the past year in the context of the UX/UI and Product Working Groups. I’ve been particularly impressed with Asma’s willingness to pitch in on Open edX community efforts. Over the past year of getting involved with the UX/UI Working Group, Asma has taken on the role of working group co-chair, where she’s partnered with Sam Daitzman to lead the group and improve collaboration between the UX/UI and Product.
When I needed some UX/UI input on a usability problem I was grappling with for Aspects, Asma jumped in and met with me the following day, offering to take a look and lend her expertise to the project. Asma is always willing to jump in and coordinate a product proposal, and has even submitted her own proposals for improving platform experience for users. See this proposal to improve the course card design for an example.
Asma brings extensive design knowledge and a collaborative spirit to the community. These are incredibly valuable assets for the Open edX community to have.
I hope you are as excited as I am to consider Asma for our team of Core Contributor UX/UI Designer roles. We will keep the voting open for the next few weeks, through Monday, December 2.