Core Contributor Rights Expansion: Farhaan Bukhsh

Hi there! As a response to volunteer call for maintainership I would like to volunteer as a core contributor to the edx-when repository.


The edx-when repository is a part of Open edX and currently, it doesn’t have a maintainer and I would like to help to maintain it.

Prior work

I have not directly committed code to edx-when but I have been a CC to edx-platform and have been reviewing PRs and committing code here. Since both these repositories are Python-based projects I can help to maintain it.

Comment Period

2024-04-10 → 2024-04-24

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:+1: I support @farhaanbukhsh 's nomination. Farhaan has been in the community awhile and I have always had great experiences working with him.

I’ll point out edx-when has very little dev action so I think a CC to edx-platform will be well prepared to assist the ongoing maintenance of the repo.


I vote yes to this nomination.
Thanks @farhaanbukhsh, I think you will do a great work as maintainer of edx-when.

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:+1: from me :slight_smile: Thank you for volunteering @farhaanbukhsh !

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:+1: Thanks for volunteering @farhaanbukhsh :slight_smile:

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:+1: for Farhaan on this!

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:+1: Great, thank you for taking this on @farhaanbukhsh