Core Contributor Nomination - Farhan Khan

I’d like to nominate @farhan to the core contributor program with write access to the following repos to start:

  • edx-platform
  • .github
  • repo-tools

@farhan has been working as a part of the Aximprovements team to suport maintenance, deprecation and incremental
improvements across multiple axim maintained repos as well as edx-platform.

You can see their contributions here:

Farhan has been leading the small but mighty Aximprovements team since its inception and has been supporting the work that that team does while continuing to contribute to some nice deprecations and upgrades including finally removing Bokchoy and updating edx-platform docs so that all the decisions docs are published to the edx-platform documentation site.

Farhan will be working 40hrs/week on the Open edX project.

The comment period is open from 2024-05-17T04:00:00Z2024-05-31T04:00:00Z


@feanil Thank you for nominating me! I appreciate your recognition.

My all contributions (including openedx-unsupported) can be found here:

Full support and my vote for Farhan’s nomination! :raised_hands:

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+1 from me as well.

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+1 from my side. Farhan Khan is an excellent developer and a good colleague.

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:+1: from me. Thank you @farhan for your work and leadership!

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Farhaan’s been great, he has my full support. +1

I think @farhan’s work shows caliper and conduct. Being part of the Aximprovements I think shows the commitment. This is yes vote from me.

Tons of great merged XBlock PRs!

:+1: from me!

+1 from me

I have worked with Farhan on multiple initiatives over the years and he’s always been great. This is an easy +1 from me!

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With sufficient votes for and no votes against, Farhan’s nomination is accepted. I’ll create a ticket to begin his on-boarding into the program.