Some Prio1 repos are still waiting for maintainers. To contribute to the effort of finding maintainers for the repos, I would like to volunteer to maintain:
I’m not a CC on these repositories, though I have a good understanding in the domain. This nomination includes both the CC role and maintainer for the mentioned repositories.
Thank you for volunteering @gabor. As a regular member of the large instances sub-wg I see Gabor’s work often and it is always top notch. I vote yes to the nomination.
@sarina / @feanil based on the above, may I request access to re-run failed tests, approve PRs, etc.? Then I could start collaborating. Please let me know if I’m asking on the wrong channel/wrong people.
@gabor yes, please file an axim-request to get write access to the repos that you are maintaining and once that’s done you can go through the initial maintenance checklist and begin doing any other maintenance related work on those repositories.