Course content creation flow

We are looking for a workflow of this nature in course content creation --> draft/for-review/approval/lock/publish. I do not see any such stages for the content today, also the exiting content management flow is possible at all levels(sections/units etc) and our above intent is at course level itself. Are you aware of any existing branches or future plans for this type of enhancements?
If not, I understand that we need considerable customization to develop such. Any direction is greatly appreciated.

@ravibabu Currently Open edX doesn’t include fonctionality that allows for this specific workflow out of the box, as far as I know - though since you would like to implement it at the course level, you might be able to replicate some of the functionality through multiple courses / courses runs. Also have a look into Publisher:

Thanks @antoviaque
I will review publisher functionality if we can reuse its capabilities.

The main issue for us is to limit the modification of course content (lock) once created. As publisher is not for content, it may require a lot of changes in studio. I was also trying to check on fulfilling it with roles but they are not granular enough.
Any insight into such locking/restriction will be very helpful.