Course creator but cannot rerun their courses


I am using Koa release with an account has priviledge of “course creator”. When I login to Studio with this account, I got button “New course” and “New library” to create course. But I don’t see the link “Re-run Course” next to the existing course. Is there any other configuration needed? I tried to add all “user permissions” to that account but still no “re-run course” .

Thank you for your help

Hi @Hoang_PHAM_HUY :slight_smile:

I’ve never used the course rerun feature before, but from the code, it looks like you also need “global staff status” to rerun courses. This status carries with it many more privileges than just course reruns though, so should only be granted upon consideration of this elevated access.

This can be done by a superuser on your site, by ticking the “is staff” checkbox on your user’s entry in Django Admin, or from the LMS shell:

$ /edx/bin/edxapp-shell-lms
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
user = get_user_model().objects.get(email="<your user email here>")
user.is_staff = True

Hi @jill

Thank you for your reply. I am running multi-LMS sites and I need to avoid “superuser” role, even “staff” role, since these accounts have previledge to control courses from all LMS.

So, I found solution of course creator. It works well without “superuser” and “staff” role. Course creator account can create courses within his or her LMS site and cannot control courses from other LMS. That’s perfect. However, I face the problem of course re-run. In a LMS site, they need to re-run the courses every semester, but still no solution yet. Do you have any sugession?

Best regards