Course Home API issue with User course outline

Recently in Quince I tried drag and drop functionality to move subsection(sequential) from one section(Chapter) to another in Studio and after publishing the course when i refresh the LMS course homepage the outline is not getting updated.

I tried to debug the Issue and found that the system calls function called “get_user_course_outline” to remove unncesseary or unauthorized section,subsection from the course outline which was introduced from maple release.

I want to know if it is really a bug or i am missing something over here

Example for clear understanding:-

  • consider a course with 3 sections named 1/2/3 in this order and each one of them have subscetion and unit inside it.
  • now i move subsection 3 to section 2. so section 3 is empty at this point and i publish my course
  • When i refresh the LMS homepage section 1 is dispalyed properly and in section 2 only subsection2 is displayed instead there should also be subsection3 and section3 is removed (bcoz it is empty which is proper) but subsection3 is not displalyed anywhere.

Hi @smit_123 and welcome back.

I don’t know the answer to your question. However, I’m wondering if you’ve checked all release dates and section/subsection visibility settings.

Hey @sarina

Thank you for the welcome and replying to conversation

Regarding release dates and section/subsection visibility settings all of them i have checked and are good also i have checked with admin/superuser but the issue is still the same.

Hrm :\ this is a new feature and I’m not super familiar with it. I don’t know if @dave monitors the forums, but perhaps he would be able to help.

The first thing you might want to try is to go to your Django admin for learning sequences ({your django admin site}/admin/learning_sequences/coursecontext/), then find your course. Check to see if there are any error messages there.

Otherwise, could you please post an export of your test course?

I checked in ({your django admin site}/admin/learning_sequences/coursecontext/) and there are no errors attaching the image of it

Weird. The screenshot suggests that it didn’t even pick up on Subsection 1 existing (it only registers subsections 2 and 3).

  1. Can you double check that everything is published?
  2. Do you see any errors in your Studio (cms) celery worker logs when you publish?
  3. Do you have any emojis in the title of Subsection 1? If so, please remove it?
  4. Could you please upload an export of your course?

Thank you.