Hi Community,
I am new to Open edX I want to express my gratitude what a marvels work you have done. I want to support this community mission to make a better Open edX. This is my humble request please create clear cut video tutorial so that anyone who have hobby in Open edX can run the platform and share his exp with you.
Hi @Manoj_kumar
Welcome to the community, we are pleased that you have joined us.
We are in the process of creating some video tutorials on a broad range of topics, including for developers. There are also going to be some free to enrol courses developed to help developers and other community members onboard. For example, in the Marketing Working Group that meets twice per month.
As you know, Open edX® is a huge decentralised software platform with many different moving parts, so creating video tutorials on everything would be a huge task. Also, as the platform develops, many changes take place, meaning videos might become out of date very quickly.
Are you a developer? Apart from this Discuss forums, there is also a Pro Slack account with many channels related to Open edX®, including devops.
You can join this community and take part in helping to build the future of the Open edX® community branch.
Look forward to seeing you around!
Thanks alot @Dean I have joined there I am not a developer i am new to Openedx but i have team of Developers.