Django 4.0 upgrade + Open edX csrf verification failure

Hi there, community! As you know, we started testing quince a few weeks ago: Join the Test Team for Quince and Meet the Test Champions from Palm

Since then, we’ve found a couple of issues we’ve been working on here: Issues · openedx/wg-build-test-release · GitHub

Currently, we have two issues marked as release blocker so solving those issues is the BTR main focus right now. One is [Quince testing] <add course mode from django admin>: <Getting 403 error while adding course mode from django admin> · Issue #325 · openedx/wg-build-test-release · GitHub, where we found that we can’t make any POST request in the LMS after the Django 4.0 backport.

Here’s more about what we’ve found about the issue: [Quince testing] <add course mode from django admin>: <Getting 403 error while adding course mode from django admin> · Issue #325 · openedx/wg-build-test-release · GitHub
Here’s more about the Django 4.0 upgrade for quince: Django 4.2 upgrade for Quince.1 Release · Issue #315 · openedx/wg-build-test-release · GitHub

This is our temporary solution to continue with the testing plan: Slack, but we’re still working on a long-term solution.

Let us know if you have any input! Thanks