EdX.org’s isn’t using the Open edX course catalog, it’s using its own marketing site frontend and the edX discovery service with a Drupal (last I heard) site on the front.
First of all sorry for the late response, I was very busy at the moment and just forgot to reply to you
I finally filter all in the front page with Javascript. I just do not manage to do it any other way, so I just show all the courses, add a “data” attribute for each element of the list with whatever data I need and with jquery filter the items based on that data values.
In fact if you open Developer’s Tools and inspect the code in courses.html, the scripts are at the bottom of the page with some comments. Yeah, I know I should put it outside and minimize/uglify them, but hey, there you have it to copy/paste whatever you might need
I am not sure if this is the right solution but was the one I found
Hi @Yago
Thank you very much for sharing this issue.
I have a question for you. I am trying to implement the filters “org”, “models” and “languages”.
So what I did it was create a pluging called custom_enable_course_discovery.yml in which I enable the variable from lms/envs/common.py called ENABLE_COURSE_DISCOVERY.
The problem is that in my webpage appears the bar refined research but I does not appear the org, models, and language. I search about this and I saw that the variable COURSE_DISCOVERY_FILTERS is always commented and maybe that´s why it does not appear. My question is how can I uncomment this variable? Because it appears in common.py, devstack.py and devstack_descentralized.py and I do not think is recomendable to edit directly files which are .py
Hi @Andres1 . I am sorry but I have changed of project and currently I just dont remember… Maybe my old post about searchs can be useful Problems enabling Open edX Search - #3 by Yago Maybe you can search for this issue in Slack and ask there if someone has found the solution.