Ficus Installation issues

I am trying to install a Ficus instance of open edx on premises (I have tried on an Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit on an cloud server , sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t | same with an on premises Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit 40GB on SSD 8GB Memory VirtuaBox ) First error is about installing ubuntu system packages. Second is about failing to update apt cache. The third error I keep getting is about mongodb , failing to add repo to sources list, Fourth error is about mongodb repo timeout. I have tried forking the configuration repo at edx/configuration and the edx-configuration repo at configuration and customize the scripts available but the same errors keep popping(sometimes it fails when updating mysql root password), I have tried both the native installaion Native Open edX Ubuntu 16.04 64bit Installation and using oxa-tools . If there is anyone who has gone through these issues and found a way out, someone who can look at it and help me see what I am missing or a someone who straight up has a solution, please share. Your help will be highly appreciated.

TASK [server_utils : Install ubuntu system packages] ***************************
failed: [localhost] (item=[u’ack-grep’, u’mosh’, u’curl’, u’tree’, u’screen’, u’tmux’, u’curl’, u’vim-tiny’, u’dnsutils’, u’inetutils-telnet’, u’netcat’]) => {“failed”: true, “item”: [“ack-grep”, “mosh”, “curl”, “tree”, “screen”, “tmux”, “curl”, “vim-tiny”, “dnsutils”, “inetutils-telnet”, “netcat”], “msg”: “Failed to update apt cache.”}
to retry, use: --limit @/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/edx_sandbox.retry

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost : ok=6 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=1

INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Install ubuntu system packages ------------------------------------------------ 363.09s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Update apt-get ---------------------------------------------------------------- 123.35s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Install packages ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2.36s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.04s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Add swapfile to /etc/fstab ------------------------------------------------------ 0.70s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Write swapfile ------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.66s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Set swapfile permissions -------------------------------------------------------- 0.63s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Configure vm.swappiness --------------------------------------------------------- 0.20s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Create swapfile ----------------------------------------------------------------- 0.19s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Enable swapfile ----------------------------------------------------------------- 0.19s
Playbook Configure instance(s) finished: 2019-08-21 05:41:16.479566, 11 total tasks. 0:06:08.200565 elapsed.

TASK [mongo : Install python pymongo for mongo_user ansible module] ************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [mongo : Add the mongodb signing key] *************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [mongo : Add the mongodb repo to the sources list] ************************
An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: apt.cache.FetchFailedException
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “failed”: true, “module_stderr”: “Traceback (most recent call last):\n File “/tmp/ansible_W8kcvo/”, line 538, in \n main()\n File “/tmp/ansible_W8kcvo/”, line 527, in main\n cache.update()\n File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/apt/”, line 505, in update\n raise FetchFailedException()\napt.cache.FetchFailedException\n”, “module_stdout”: “”, “msg”: “MODULE FAILURE”}
to retry, use: --limit @/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/edx_sandbox.retry
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost : ok=86 changed=18 unreachable=0 failed=1
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Add the mongodb repo to the sources list -------------------------------------- 129.74s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Install role-independent useful system packages [0] ---------------------------- 10.04s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Install debian packages user role needs ----------------------------------------- 7.92s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Install ubuntu system packages -------------------------------------------------- 7.69s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Install the nginx package [0] --------------------------------------------------- 7.33s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Install memcached --------------------------------------------------------------- 6.99s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Install the nginx package [1] --------------------------------------------------- 6.52s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Update apt-get ------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.22s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: pip install virtualenv ---------------------------------------------------------- 4.61s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Install python pymongo for mongo_user ansible module ---------------------------- 4.21s
Playbook Configure instance(s) finished: 2019-08-21 06:18:53.338209, 178 total tasks. 0:04:26.945782 elapsed.
You have new mail in /var/mail/root

TASK [mongo : Install python pymongo for mongo_user ansible module] ************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [mongo : Add the mongodb signing key] *************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [mongo : Add the mongodb repo to the sources list] ************************
An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: apt.cache.FetchFailedException
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “failed”: true, “module_stderr”: “Traceback (most recent call last):\n File “/tmp/ansible_W8kcvo/”, line 538, in \n main()\n File “/tmp/ansible_W8kcvo/”, line 527, in main\n cache.update()\n File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/apt/”, line 505, in update\n raise FetchFailedException()\napt.cache.FetchFailedException\n”, “module_stdout”: “”, “msg”: “MODULE FAILURE”}
to retry, use: --limit @/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/edx_sandbox.retry
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost : ok=86 changed=18 unreachable=0 failed=1
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Add the mongodb repo to the sources list -------------------------------------- 129.74s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Install role-independent useful system packages [0] ---------------------------- 10.04s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Install debian packages user role needs ----------------------------------------- 7.92s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Install ubuntu system packages -------------------------------------------------- 7.69s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Install the nginx package [0] --------------------------------------------------- 7.33s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Install memcached --------------------------------------------------------------- 6.99s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Install the nginx package [1] --------------------------------------------------- 6.52s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Update apt-get ------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.22s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: pip install virtualenv ---------------------------------------------------------- 4.61s
INFO:/var/tmp/configuration/playbooks/callback_plugins/task_timing: Install python pymongo for mongo_user ansible module ---------------------------- 4.21s
Playbook Configure instance(s) finished: 2019-08-21 06:18:53.338209, 178 total tasks. 0:04:26.945782 elapsed.
You have new mail in /var/mail/root

Err:13 dist InRelease
Could not connect to (, connection timed out
Fetched 110 kB in 2min 0s (912 B/s)

I have the same issue with open-release/ginkgo.master, can someone help me to resolve this?

Can I ask why you guys are installing such woefully outdated Open edX releases?

Instructions from above

I believe what Régis is aksing is why are you trying to install Ficus? There has been Ginkgo, Hawthorn and Ironwood since then.

The most up to date installation instructions are available here:

You should use
export OPENEDX_RELEASE=open-release/ironwood.master

Ficus is an old release and Ironwood is currently the only version supported.

@Makavura I think you meant, “My bosses told me to install Ficus.” As we think about how to keep old releases installable it will be helpful to hear more detail about the reasons people use these releases.

Do you know why you are being asked to install Ficus, and not a more recent version?


@ned yes, my boss told me to install Ficus. Primarily because Ficus is the only supported version by Microsoft with regard to their own oxa-tools for azure deployment.

I am facing the same problem. i formatted my system 2 times and now i am getting edx_playbooks.yml file missing. help about this please.

I am following this steps.

Error at 5th step while installing Open edX.
in this step i also changed to

help me if there is another way to install it.

@Makavura, @Siva, @himu3355, the reason for this error is that the MongoDB 2.x repositories that the failed task tries to add have been retired a few months ago. Ginkgo works with MongoDB 3.2.x (again, EOL) and it might be possible to fix the playbook task(s) to set that version up. PRs are welcome.

CC @nedbat