Has the Honor certificates vs. No-Id-Professional best practice changed for automatic certificate generation?


I have all self-paced courses in Koa. I would like students to get a certificate once they’ve completed all the elements of the course. However, it says here:
for “Enable Automatic Certificate Generation” that “Even with the Waffle switch set to Active and all per-course prerequisites met, automatic certificate generation does not apply to enrollments in honor and audit mode.”

Does that mean that it’s no longer best practice to set enrollments to Honor (as is implied by a lot of past posts), and I should instead have all my classes set default enrollment to No-Id-Professional? Because if I don’t do this, students can’t just get automatically generated certificates at the end of the courses?

(Also, it looks like when I change a course mode to No-Id-Professional, I see a broken image at the top of my certificate: BrokenImage.png - Google Drive)

I’m not sure that waffle switch documentation is accurate, or perhaps it means something different than I expected.

  1. I seem to be able to have students request a certificate just fine in Honor enrollment. Is it just that “automatic” really meant not even having to request it?
  2. If I change default enrollment to No-Id-Professional, I can’t have non-beta students enroll in a class, because there’s an error of

views.py:295 - No paid/verified course mode found for course ‘course-v1:site+class+version’ for verification/payment flow request

Hi Jimmy, I am looking for the same behaviour: I want that at the end of the course the certificate to be generated automatically without any user request. Then did you find a way to do this?

No. I just accepted that the students will have to click a box I guess. But it sort of seems OK because if they don’t click the box, how else are they going to know the certificate URL?