Help is needed to get students see the download certificate button


Students do not see (button) to download “Certificates” even certificates seem to be created in the Instructor dashboard… The course is well under honor mode and the student pass a dummy test with success (100/100)…

Thanks for your help

Hi @nachha

Are you running the which version of open edx?
As hawthorn version does not support the certificates in honor mode.

Hi @anjali

I am running ironwood

Thank you

Ohk…Have you check the enrollment mode of the student?

Hi @anjali

Would you please tell me how to check that.


Dear Nachha,

I would recommend you check

1.If the mode of the user’s enrollment is correct. You can check it by going to the course enrollments table on the Django admin panel or by downloading a users report from the instructor panel.
2. Whether the grading policy of the course is correctly set
3. If the option to auto generate certificates for students is enabled. You can enable it from the instructor tab-certificates if the course is instructor-paced. If the course is self-pace, you can go to the Django admin panel /admin/certificates/certificategenerationcoursesetting/ and enable it.
4. Whether the course mode is set correctly(this might sound obvious but double check does not make any harm :slight_smile: )
5. If the certificates are configured to be delivered after the student passes the course. You can go to studio-settings-advanced settings- Certificates Display Behavior.

“end”, allow users getting the certificates once the course is finished
“early_no_info.” allows users getting the certificates as soon as they pass the course according to the grading policy

I hope this helps.



Awsome! The only thing that was not set is the "early_no_info” variable in Advanced Settings

Thank you very much

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