I wanted to know how open edx administrator enables “Request user’s username” for LTI configuration, it says in the documentation to contact edX partner manager. on the doc 10.21. LTI Component — Building and Running an edX Course documentation
Hi @Eyuel_Mulatu! It just happens that I had to enable this feature for a course recently. You need to go to the Django admin in the studio (http://yourcms.com/admin). Then, in “XBlock configuration”, go to “Course edit lti fields enabled flags”. Then “Add course edit lti fields enabled flag”. (url: /admin/xblock_config/courseeditltifieldsenabledflag/add/)
There, paste your course ID and check “enable”.
Hi regis. My Django admin does not have “Course edit lti fields enabled flags”. We’re running the stock form of the software. I also tried to go straight to the you url provided and similar urls, based on our install:
Is there another python lib to install for that?
Hi @Mike_Warner! I’m seeing your message more than three months late… Are you quite sure that you accessed the admin page from the studio, and not from the LMS? The “Course edit lti fields enabled flags” is menu there for me.
Hi, yes, that was the issue. Sorry, I thought that I had updated this. Maybe I didn’t because I was banging my head on making the system pass the student’s first and last names to adhere to the LTI spec as it’s implemented by 99.9% of the major LMSs.
This might be unrelated but is there a way to get username & pass it to iFrame
? i.e https://abc.xyz/a-sample-url?uid=%%USER_ID%%
passes student
embedded, I want to pass username
or first_name
cc: @regis @Mike_Warner
I did the same mistke of not accessing the /admin of the Studio, but instead of the Open edX LMS directly. If we check both Django admins, we will notice the difference.
Did you figure out about passing username to iframe?
Yes, I put a placeholder in the HTML text & replaced that place holder with username in the student_view
of html_module,
html_data = self.get_html()
if "%%USERNAME%%" in html_data:
current_user = self.runtime.service(self, 'user').get_current_user()
html_data = html_data.replace("%%USERNAME%%", current_user.full_name)
Hi. I know it’s 3 years later but the mentioned page in studio admin is no longer available. It seems that they have deleted this model.
So to enable this feature now, you should enable course allow pii sharing in lti flag
in admin panel (doesn’t matter if it’s studio admin panel or lms admin panel)