How do I create my own MFEs?

Hi @dcoa,
Thank you for your answer! I was a bit confused as I use tutor-mfe plugin I did not understand why I would need to use the frontend template too. I found this amazing post.

So the tutor-mfe plugin is more a tool to create the mfe-container using the template(s). I didn’t understand something so basic. There’s not a lot of high-level guidance for new users. It makes me wonder if I made the right choice by choosing the MFE over comprehensive theming…Anyway, If I make my own MFEs, I am gonna make a high level tutorial.

So, I’m going to fork the template, familiarize myself with the structure of its files and follow another tutorial to see how they modified the template and hopefully create my own homepage MFE. Then, I’ll rebuild the MFE image and restart the container (reading the post, looks like it can be done locally).

I will keep this page updated with my progress.

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