How long could take, preparing a 20 hours course?

There is any paper or suggest to schedule the hours an educator need to prepare an hour of STEM course?

I think you meant how much work hours does an instructor takes to build a one hour course… right?

then it will depend on the components the instructor be using in the course…we cannot suggest or figure out a correct duration for it, as it may take less than an hour sometime or more than 10 hours depending on the content and assistance for the course creator

If a single, unexperienced person is responsible for doing everything, from course planning to recording videos to authoring in the LMS, it’s a significant effort. In my experience collaborating with faculty members, I’ve observed that for a course with multiple chapters, my general rule of thumb is allocating 3 to 5 days of prep for every hour of online content. However, this estimate can escalate significantly based on various factors such as content complexity, how professional you want your video lessons to look, and assessment design. The workload for preparing and hosting online courses is often severely underestimated. This kind of work is often undertaken not by one person but by a team, but the process can be streamlined to a point and done by a single person. The advantage is, once a course is ready, you can do course re-runs with little to no modifications. You also need to factor in time to support learners while the course runs, which is also often time-consuming depending on how big your cohort is.

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