How to install "Figures" appsembler

@Selli, @anjali

Enable virtual environment

sudo -H -u edxapp bash
source edxapp_env

Install Figures build-0.3.9

clone figures on folder ~/venvs/edxapp/src/figures , i use version build-0.3.9

git clone -b build-0.3.9

and then go to the frontend folder, build asset with yarn. First, run yarn to install dependecies and then yarn build to build asset of figures. Frontend assets will be available at ~/venvs/edxapp/src/figures/figures/static . Copy generated frontend assets to staticfiles

cp -r ~/venvs/edxapp/src/figures/figures/static/figures /edx/var/edxapp/staticfiles/

install figures

cd ~/venvs/edxapp/src/figures/
pip install -e .

Add Configuration Settings

cd ~/edx-platform/

Edit lms/envs/ and add configuration settings like below

if 'figures.apps.FiguresConfig' in INSTALLED_APPS:
    from figures.settings.lms_production import *
    ENV_TOKENS.setdefault('FIGURES', {})
    update_webpack_loader(WEBPACK_LOADER, ENV_TOKENS['FIGURES'])
    update_celerybeat_schedule(CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE, ENV_TOKENS['FIGURES'])
    CELERY_IMPORTS += ( 'figures.tasks', )

Edit lms/ and add configuration urls like below

if 'figures' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
        urlpatterns += [
                url(r'^figures/', include('figures.urls', namespace='figures')),

migrate database for figures

~/edx-platform/ lms migrate figures --settings=production

Restart LMS

exit user edxapp and then restart lms.

sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart lms

access figures with

I hope this helps