(Rahul Rai)
May 23, 2020, 10:16am
I am using hawthorn version Open edX. In the page “Files & Uploads” in CMS, I want to upload all Files in Azure blob or AWS s3. I have already set the cloud default storage but it is not working.
(Xavier Antoviaque (OpenCraft) - opencraft.com/help)
May 25, 2020, 7:10am
Hi @Rahul_Rai ! Welcome to Open edX.
See this thread, where this question has been answered:
Hi all,
I’m trying to change local storage to s3.
I changed all configure, which involve storage, to S3BotoStorage in {lms, cms}.auth.json and {lms, cms}.env.json files, and it worked well for ORA component, but It doesn’t work on “cms website > Content > File & Upload”
I have 2 problems, I hope you can help me that
Where do the file store when I upload files on “File & Upload”?
How can I make s3 work well on “File & Upload”?
Thank you for help.