I am getting error 500 on the course

i am getting error 500 on the course on openedx, but the course is live and other course are working properly, I am able to open the course content in my laptop but the learners are not able to open it.
can anyone help to resolve this issue.

@Diksha Welcome to the community!

It’s difficult to understand the issue without an error trace or a screenshot.
Could you please share the error logs or screenshots, so community assist you more effectively?


These are the errors I am getting. I am the admin of the course, so I am able to open it. The course is live, and all settings are done like other courses, but whenever my learners open the course, they get this error.

Looking for the solution.

Diksha Goel

Are there any errors in the LMS log?

I meant the logs on the server:

tutor local logs --tail=100 -f lms

is this a newly imported course? if yes, then this is realted to the missing about content. you need to add anything inside and just save it.

No, the course is live and already has content.I resolved that issue. However, I am encountering a new issue with a 500 error in another course. In Studio, I am unable to view the uploaded content as it displays an error 500 but the course is lice so can see the content in LMS.
Looking for the reason and solution for that.