I need assistance on the aforementioned Topic. I am trying to install a āprivateā Django App Plugin (Dap) created with the edx-cookiecutter, cookiecutter-django-app.
I installed my private Dap according to the Tutor documentation by cloning the āprivateā repo to the path $(tutor config printroot)/env/build/openedx/requirements/
and appending it to a private.txt
Here is my private.txt
-e ./myprivaterepo
My requirements/
file structure also follows and adheres to the Tutor specification
However, after re-building the openedx-dev
image, pip
does not find the Dap package, nor does it appear in the list of INSTALLED_APPS.
# pip check
$ tutor dev run lms bash
~/edx-platform$ pip show myprivatedap # WARNING: Package(s) not found: myprivatedap
# alternatively
$ tutor dev run lms ./ lms shell
In [1]: from django.conf import settings
In [2]: settings.INSTALLED_APPS # myprivatedap NOT listed
Iāve installed a virtually identical āpublicā variant of my āprivateā Dap with success. This was accomplished, however, by using a VCS URL rather than a path to the local project. For example, instead of -e ./myprivaterepo/
, insert git+
to the private.txt
file. This worked perfectly. When I try to install the same āpublicā Dap using a path to a local (editable) project, pip
similarly cannot find the Dap package nor is it listed in the INSTALLED_APPS
. How can I resolve this without needing to change my Dapās repo
from āprivateā to āpublicā? The problem seems to be with the installation approach used: VCS URL vs path to the local project
- I am using
. - I currently do not have a bind-mount to any local fork of the
. - I am using the
Tutor variant (hence,tutor-nightly-dev
). - I am sure the private requirement is being installed because edits to the Dap trigger a rerun of [python/requirements] steps in the Docker build of the
image. - I tried the following without success:
ā Rebuild the āopenedx-devā image once (tutor images build openedx-dev
ā Relaunch the āopenedx-devā platform (tutor dev launch
ā Rebuild the āopenedx-devā image + relaunch the āopenedx-devā platform (tutor images build openedx-dev && tutor dev launch
My last resort would be to install Tutor (default version) and test āprivateā Dap installation on the local
Tutor flavor.
Thanks in advance, for all forms of contributionsā”