Juniper.2 has been tagged

Juniper was released about a month ago, with the juniper.1 tag. Since that time, some fixes have been applied to to the open-release/juniper.master branches. Enough has accumulated that it makes sense to tag the branches again. The tag is open-release/juniper.2.

Here are the changes between Juniper.1 and Juniper.2:

---- edx/ecommerce ----
 8aec1df446 2020-06-17 Dillon Dumesnil: DISCO-1643: Making some improvements around supporting Honor (#2992)
---- edx/edx-platform ----
 bf9e8c260b 2020-06-12 stvn: Add Studio warning for deprecated course keys
 226fb100c8 2020-06-29 Michael Terry: Downgrade pycontracts to 1.8.12
 1ab907b2b0 2020-06-19 Ali-D-Akbar: Fix XSS issues
 c611b8600a 2019-10-15 Feanil Patel: Upgrade and constrain things for python 3.
---- edx/course-discovery ----
 a84bca93 2020-05-26 Rebecca Graber: WS-1025 make default search results configurable in admin (#2621)
 97f75930 2020-06-11 Dillon Dumesnil: DISCO-1643: Add in Honor Course Types to be created by default
---- edx/src/configuration ----
 1ee048001 2020-07-02 Florian Haas: Add "| default" filter on AWS_GATHER_FACTS conditional in edx_service
 d81faf673 2020-06-15 Feanil Patel: Update changelog message to be more descriptive.
 9ed159446 2020-06-02 Feanil Patel: Make sandbox python version configurable.
 27817dead 2019-11-01 Feanil Patel: Update code sandboxes to also run Python3