Juniper.3 has been tagged

Since Juniper.2, some fixes have been applied to to the open-release/juniper.master branches. At least one of these is an important security fix. To encourage installation, we’ve tagged Juniper.3 The tag is open-release/juniper.3 . Please upgrade.

Here are the changes between Juniper.2 and Juniper.3:

---- ./ecommerce ----
 ca9cddb4b9 2020-08-05 Ned Batchelder: Upgrade Django to 2.2.15
---- ./devstack ----
 10f02ca 2020-08-17 Zachary Trabookis: Remove `xqueue` as `DEFAULT_SERVICES` for Juniper release.
 8ff8dd0 2020-08-17 Zachary Trabookis: Make additional adjustments to the documentation for multiple releases one machine (regisb review).
 57455fe 2020-08-10 Zachary Trabookis: Add `xqueue` to default services to provision initially.
 3ca4c9d 2020-07-29 Zachary Trabookis: Make sure to pass in `DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILES` to `docker-compose exec` commands for services outside of `docker-compose.yml`.
 cef4aa2 2020-07-28 Zachary Trabookis: Updated `README` to include necessary information when running multiple isolated devstacks for same host.
 9415683 2020-07-27 Zachary Trabookis: Update `docker` commands to be `docker-compose` to handle unnamed containers for multi-version devstack support
 67c7c9b 2020-08-16 morenol: Do not use openedx release for registrar and edx-mktg docker images. (#594)
 56312bc 2020-08-04 Guruprasad Lakshmi Narayanan: Remove duplicate section
 34a46a3 2020-07-24 Guruprasad Lakshmi Narayanan: Remove the non-release services from the default devstack services
---- ./xqueue ----
 f004caa 2020-08-05 Ned Batchelder: Upgrade Django to 2.2.15
---- ./edx-platform ----
 d9e0ca5e70 2020-08-12 Ali-D-Akbar: This commit contains security fixes for the following JIRA tickets: 1. PROD-1603 2. PROD-1605 3. PROD-1612 4. PROD-1619 5. PROD-1289 6. PROD-1530 7 . PROD-1525 8. PROD-1534
 c8421f66fc 2020-08-07 uzairr: Fix xss vulnerabilities in templates
 47ab6af637 2020-08-06 Attiya Ishaque: [YONK-1759] Version bump of studio-frontend. (#24677)
 8dd78619c9 2020-08-05 Ned Batchelder: Upgrade Django to 2.2.15
 b295389e96 2020-07-23 Zachary Trabookis: Set `SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE=Lax` for `devstack_docker` environment by default to allow login to LMS service.
 91af099933 2020-07-23 uzairr: Fix xss in templates
 0e45ecb743 2020-07-22 Ali-D-Akbar: Sustaining xss fixes This commit contains xsslint fixes for the following Jira Tickets:
 3757f0d11e 2020-07-06 Florian Haas: Fix profile image URLs for image storage on non-public S3 buckets
---- ./edx-notes-api ----
 ad53edd 2020-08-05 Ned Batchelder: Upgrade Django to 2.2.15
---- ./cs_comments_service ----
 3079804 2020-08-19 Samuel Walladge: Bump codecov to latest version
---- ./course-discovery ----
 e984f273 2020-08-05 Ned Batchelder: Upgrade Django to 2.2.15
---- ./credentials ----
 7a7aab55 2020-08-05 Ned Batchelder: Upgrade Django to 2.2.15
---- ./src/configuration ----
 05bb4edcf 2020-08-24 Feanil Patel: Improve sandboxing. (#5953) (#5960)
 860994c0d 2020-08-21 Feanil Patel: Timmc/codejail improvements (#5956)
---- ./src/enterprise-catalog ----
 f886da6 2020-08-05 Ned Batchelder: Upgrade Django to 2.2.15
---- ./src/edx-analytics-data-api ----
 64b4c7f 2020-08-05 Ned Batchelder: Upgrade Django to 2.2.15
---- ./src/edx-analytics-dashboard ----
 b8dfa559 2020-08-05 Ned Batchelder: Upgrade Django to 2.2.15
---- ./src/license-manager ----
 85003a6 2020-08-05 Ned Batchelder: Upgrade to Django 2.2.15

BTW, we are continuing to put fixes onto the Juniper master branch, so it is always best to install “open-release/juniper.master”.

A post was split to a new topic: Configuration change from Ironwood to Juniper?