I’ve created new testing branches in the repos: open-release/juniper.rc1
This is not the start of the Juniper master branches. This is a named snapshot for coordinated testing. Known problems are documented in the open Jira tickets in the Juniper epic: https://openedx.atlassian.net/browse/CRI-171
(Geoffrey L. (OpenCraft) - opencraft.com/help)
Thanks for the update @nedbat! Currently setting up and testing the rc1 branch. Will give feedback on the related ticket.
It looks like we still need to manually generate tokens for the standard logins to work (staff@example.com). Is that going to be built into the install process?
@mikedkelly It would be better to discuss the JWT issue on its specific thread (JWT and Juniper?). I am looking to the community for help with prioritizing problems and developing solutions.