Open edX Contributors Meetup

Hi all! Here is the recap from the meeting we held on 2022-07-26.

Video Recording



Meeting notes

2. Working Groups Follow-Ups:

Marketing (@estebanetcheverry ) - start at 4:22:

  • Lista Flow tool was discussed, to measure the time spent on contributions to the community. However, the possibility was mentioned that it should not be measured per person, but per organization and, for practicality, that it should be weighted in results/deliverables and not only in time spent.
  • Update of the Open edX Sandbox. Discussion on the legal approach to using the Sandbox and the edunext brand. Next steps: agree on a solution, either through a royalty payment to edunext for the development of the Sandbox or another alternative.
  • Discussed the need to generate incentives within the Working Group to help ensure that contributions are completed in a timely manner.

BTR (@Dean ) - start at 1:23:

  • You can find the notes of the last meeting here!

Frontend (@arbrandes) - start at 6:37:

  • The work to add a way for MFEs to fetch configuration dynamically from edx-platform has been finished by the eduNEXT team! check it out.
  • OpenCraft is working on dynamic theming. Further details in Kshitij’s SCSS to CSS variables ADR and Kshitij’s common MFE stylesheet ADR.
  • They are thinking of ways to make reviews easier and faster by introducing issue labels to identify which PRs need urgent reviews or considering using sandboxes. Reach out to Adolfo to join the discussion! this will also be discussed in the multilateral effort several contributors are leading regarding Kubernetes and Tutor in Open edX.

Data (@Andres.Aulasneo @e0d @mafermazu ) - start at 19:29:

  • You can find the notes of the last meeting here!

DEPR (@feanil @dave @idegtiarov):

  • You can find the notes of the last meeting here!

Product (@jmakowski) - start at 24:32:

Request for help:

@Dean highlights the importance of each working group to join and contribute to the Product WG with at least one member in order to be aligned and keep the same north in mind.

TOC (@antoviaque) - start at 26:41:

  • They are still working on figuring out the process for the election of the community members. Here you can find the proposal.

3. Events - start at 33:07:

  • Last Open edX Meetup - Integrating Text to Speech for Inclusive Learning: The communication, transmission, and recording worked better than the last Open edX Meetups. The time management improved as well :grin:

4. Projects - start at 35:01:

  • Community onboarding course: It seems the effort has slowed down a little bit. They will focus on enumerating the courses the community would require for this purpose to restart the work.

5. Improvements and Calls/offers for help (@Dean @antoviaque ) - start at 38:58:

  • @Dean and @antoviaque prepared a great recap of what was discussed at this point of the meeting:

If you think you can lend a hand to any of the core contributors that are blocked, feel free to reach out to them!

Side note: We now have an Open edX Working Group Calendar!

Next meetup