Open edX Contributors Meetup

Hi all! Here is the recap from the meeting we held on 2022-05-17.

Video Recording



Meeting notes

2. Working Groups Follow-Ups:

Marketing (@Eden_Huthmacher @estebanetcheverry ):

  • Upcoming Open edX Meetup on Thu, June 9th at 10 AM (EST), register on Eventbrite and spread the word:
  • Submit a review for Open edX at: Write A Review For Open edX - eLearning Industry
  • Members can volunteer to be reviewers and contributors to the How-To’s videos.
  • The first version of the videos is going to be done in each member’s Open edX instance, but for the second version, the videos are intended to be in the sandbox.
  • Each member will choose a video topic and start working on it.
  • Esteban has volunteered to provide support in a video comparison of Open edX and Moodle

BTR (@nedbat @Dean ):

  • The Nutmeg release testing process is going well! The progress is around 85%. Nevertheless, they still require help from the community to get this done by the end of the month.
  • Request for help:
    Dean Upgrading and testing the remaining work. They require some help from the community to achieve the goal of getting this process done by the end of the month. Please reach out to @dean in Slack to see how you can help!

Frontend (@arbrandes):

Some action items were decided during the Open edX Con!

Data (@Andres.Aulasneo @e0d @mafermazu ):

  • They changed the time of the WG bi-weekly meetup to Wednesdays at 12h00 UTC.
  • You can find the notes of the last meeting here!
  • The discussions they are holding are still in an exploratory phase. If they reach a more specific and detailed proposal on something, they will probably reach out to the community through Discuss or an OEP.

DEPR (@feanil @dave @idegtiarov ):

  • You can find the notes of the last meeting here!
  • Raccoon Gang team is making good progress on the DEPR project for Olive.

Product (@jmakowski):

  • They are running a survey to set a meeting time that could fit a majority! if you are interested in contributing to this group, check it out!

3. Events:

  • Most of the Open edX Con videos have been released! watch them here
  • Mark your calendars to join us virtually on June 9th, 2022 between 10 AM and 11 AM (EST) in Gather to learn about Raccoon Gang’s K-12 use of the Open edX platform in Ukraine!
    More info here.

4. Projects:

  • Django events and filters (@mgmdi - @Felipe): Few remaining PRs to be merged! the team will make sure they are properly backported to Nutmeg.

5. Improvements and Calls/offers for help (@antoviaque)

  • Xavier has prepared a great recap of what was discussed at this point of the meeting:

6. TOC Follow-Up (@e0d , @antoviaque )

  • The priority right now is getting the TOC off the ground and functional.
  • The idea of the TOC is not being a group of all-seeing deciders, but providing guidance and overseeing as a last resource.
    • A thread has been created where members of the Open edX community could ask questions about the Technical Oversight Committee (TOC).

Next meetup