Open edX helping

Hi @hojjat,

What you are looking for is a combination of theming plus translation. The Open edX platform has a built in mechanism that allows you to change the look and feel of your instance called Comprehensive Theming.

There’s a lot of useful documentation to get started here. After you’re up and running, you’ll find that there’s a few Open Source themes that you can fork and modify.

We (OpenCraft) build a simple theme that can be deployed along your instance, check it out here: GitHub - open-craft/edx-simple-theme.

As for translations, there’s already a few languages available in the platform. You can check if your language is translated here: edx-platform localization | Transifex
To set a language when deploying, you’ll need to add the following ansible overrides to the playbooks:

# Example Arabic - Language code: ar

Check out this resource in the wiki:

Here are some other posts discussing the same:

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