PPA Key expired for edx.org Juniper

I’ve been working on openEdx juniper release for a while now. Recently while setting up devstack (at the point of provisioning) I’m getting the following error.

TASK [server_utils : Install ubuntu system packages] ***************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to update apt cache: "}

That is because of expired edx.org for ubunu ppa.

Here is the solution that worked for me

  1. docker exec -ti edx.devstack-juniper.master.lms bash
  2. sudo nano roles/server_utils/tasks/main.yml

Comment out following tasks

  • Check for expired edx key
  • remove expired edx key
  1. sudo nano roles/common/tasks/main.yml

Comment out following tasks

  • Add edX PPA apt key
  • Update expired apt keys
  • Add custom edX PPA
  1. cd /etc/apt/
  2. sudo nano sources.list

Comment Out edx ppa

  1. exit
    deb http://ppa.edx.org xenial main
  2. docker commit edx.devstack-juniper.master.lms
  3. docker images
  4. docker tag imgid rehan/edxapp
  5. sudo nano docker-compose.yml
    Make following change:
         image: rehan/edxapp:latest

here imgid is the id of recent created image that we have committed in previous step. We can check image id using docker images command