Pull Requests Review Delays

Process changes to speed up OSPR reviews

Following recent developments at 2U (1, 2) the new Maintenance Working Group discussed implications for the OSPR review process, and made the following decisions to keep PRs from stalling indefinitely (3):

  • CC reviews: Instead of requiring approval from a 2U member by default, and only considering OSPRs eligible for CC review upon explicit confirmation from 2U, it is now possible for

    … any CC [to] take on Reviews and Merges that they can manage.

  • Maintenance coverage: To speed up the process of finding/replacing maintainers for Open edX repositories, requirements for becoming a maintainer were temporarily changed – in a nutshell, for now there is

    … No need to have contributed to a repo if you are a CC in another Open edX Repo

    See this thread for full context and important details.

    • This change is relevant in the context of OSPRs because maintainership involves triaging and reviewing incoming community contributions, or routing them to other reviewers as necessary based on availability and/or expertise. (An expectation that was carried over from the Maintainership Pilot program.) So a larger number of actively maintained repositories means less risk of the OSPR review process being throttled to the speed with which OSPR managers can get through the entire set of open PRs on the Contributions board.

CC @feanil @antoviaque